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| import base64 import io import os from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFile
def compress_image(outfile, mb=600, quality=85, k=0.9): """不改变图片尺寸压缩到指定大小 :param outfile: 压缩文件保存地址 :param mb: 压缩目标,KB :param step: 每次调整的压缩比率 :param quality: 初始压缩比率 :return: 压缩文件地址,压缩文件大小 """
o_size = os.path.getsize(outfile) // 1024 print(o_size, mb) if o_size <= mb: return outfile
ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True while o_size > mb: im = Image.open(outfile) x, y = im.size out = im.resize((int(x * k), int(y * k)), Image.ANTIALIAS) try: out.save(outfile, quality=quality) except Exception as e: print(e) break o_size = os.path.getsize(outfile) // 1024 return outfile
def compress_image_bs4(b64, mb=190, k=0.9): """不改变图片尺寸压缩到指定大小 :param outfile: 压缩文件保存地址 :param mb: 压缩目标,KB :param step: 每次调整的压缩比率 :param quality: 初始压缩比率 :return: 压缩文件地址,压缩文件大小 """ f = base64.b64decode(b64) with io.BytesIO(f) as im: o_size = len(im.getvalue()) // 1024 if o_size <= mb: return b64 im_out = im while o_size > mb: img = Image.open(im_out) x, y = img.size out = img.resize((int(x * k), int(y * k)), Image.ANTIALIAS) im_out.close() im_out = io.BytesIO() out.save(im_out, 'jpeg') o_size = len(im_out.getvalue()) // 1024 b64 = base64.b64encode(im_out.getvalue()) im_out.close() return str(b64, encoding='utf8')
if __name__ == "__main__": for img in os.listdir('./out_img'): compress_image(outfile='./out_img/' + str(img)[0:-4] + '.png') print('完')
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| def compress_im(im_path): """ 图像压缩到5m以内 :param file_path: :return: """ target_m = 5 img = cv2.imread(im_path) new_im_path = os.path.splitext(im_path)[0]+'_compression.jpg' quality = 95 while quality > 10: cv2.imwrite(new_im_path, img, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, quality]) file_size = os.stat(new_im_path).st_size / 1000 / 1000 logger.info('compress img {} to {} M'.format(im_path, str(file_size))) if file_size <= target_m: break quality -= 10 if file_size >= 6.5 else 5 file = open(new_im_path, 'rb') return file, new_im_path